Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Need to Get Back on Track!

Hi Everyone. I have been absent from the blog world. I was contemplating not coming back to my blog. I have been out of town lately -went on a ski trip with my family and then out to San Diego for a belated 40th birthday girls weekend. I found it quite lovely to not have my computer with me on these trips and not a slave to technology.  Is it a waste of time? I can't decide. On one hand, it seems to keep me more accountable to myself and my training plan. After all, I have not been on plan since I stopped blogging and updating you tube. Hmmm....a pattern or direct relationship? Maybe.

For that reason alone, I am back!

This week for me will represent getting back on track. I fell off the wagon if you will, during two of my most heavy weeks of training to date.  I haven't been swimming for over a week and have put in a few pathetic runs and minimal time on an indoor bike. Pretty darn sad.

I think the weather has contributed to my lack of plan but I shouldn't be using that as an excuse.  Yes, there is snow on the ground and I can't really get on my bike without an encounter with road ice and lots of sand in the shoulder. Paths are definitely covered with snow and not appropriate for a road bike. Running and swimming? No good excuses there. We can always run no matter the weather, right?

The plan this week is to get in the right mileage and time and add on if needed. Today is either a 90 minute bike or a 1 hour 15 minute run and 2,500 m swim. Time to decide and get my ass in gear!

Hope all of you are on track in your plans! Stay healthy and make great choices!

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