Oh my goodness! Only 30 more days until I am running down the lake beach, goggles on, cap on and swim punches ready. Only 26 more days until I get on the plane and try to decide all the necessities to pack.
I've never planned a race out of town that required an airplane, a bike transport company, a really good friend to pick me up and take us to the race and a campground to stay for the weekend. The excitement is definitely in the air. The race is official. The timelines are now more than just scary, the timelines are here! The bike fit is done and the plane ticket is purchased. Everything is in place.
Am I ready?
That is the question of the day, of the week, of the month. I am not ready in the physical spirit that I was hoping to be ready for the race. Am I completely down on myself because of it? No! Excuses are just that, they are excuses. But I do have some good ones.
My husband is in physician assistant school, in the thick of his rotations. His schedule is not consistent. Could I get up at 4:30 in the morning and go to the gym or get on my trainer or treadmill? Yes, absolutely. Have I? No. My level of comittment to that type of a lifestyle did not click, at least not yet.
I have a beautiful 4 year old and I like to say that being a near single-mother right now does not allow me to workout like I want to but the truth of the matter is that I don't work out enough because I choose not too. It's truly not because I can't. My little one is in pre-school and although I have a more than full-time, professional job, I do work from home which allows a bit more flexibility than most other jobs.
As it is stated,
Where there is a Will, there is a WAY!
Would it be easier to get in my workouts and healthy lifestyle if I didn't work full-time, have a husband in school, a 4 year old and no other family support in my town? Absolutely, yes. But there are so many others out there that get in what they need to no matter what is going on in their lives.
If you really want something, you will do it, you will find the time to achieve your goals!
I'm hoping that my Sprint Triathlon and 2nd 70.3 Ironman in August will be my main focus this Summer and that I will find my WILL to get the WAY of what I truly want to achieve with my body, my mind and my inner, athletic spirit!
Cheers to you all and happy training along the way. Go find your WAY!
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